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Student Health Centre

Student at an appointment. Photo: Johan Persson.

Welcome to the Student Health Centre! You can turn to us for help if, for example, you are experiencing stress, low mood or anxiety about speaking in front of others. You can also get support related to your drinking habits, feelings of anxiety or other things that are affecting your mental well-being and linked to your study situation.

Here you will find advice and guidance about looking after your well-being while you are studying. You can also take part in courses and groups, get in touch with someone for an individual conversation and get yourself tested for certain sexually transmitted diseases.

We are accessible for all students at Lund University, regardless of where you study, and for students at SLU Alnarp and Flyinge (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences). If you are a doctoral student at the university, we refer you to the Occupational Health Service.

Staff at the Student Health Centre have a duty of confidentiality and are legally required to keep records. All our services are free of charge.

If you need advice or support

You are welcome to call the Student Health Centre for advice or to ask questions, if for example you are:

  • a student
  • a relative of a student
  • a representative of a student organisation
  • a member of staff at Lund University
  • another healthcare provider

Telephone number
+46 (0)46-222 43 77

Telephone hours:
Monday to Wednesday: 08:30-9:30
Thursday: 08:15-08:45
Friday: 08:30-09:30

The Student Health Centre offers a range of different anonymous lifestyle tests. By testing your lifestyle habits, you can get more information about what you can change to feel better. For example, you can test your mental health, stress levels and alcohol consumption.

Find all Student Health Centre's lifestyle tests –

If you need support, there is a wide selection of group activities and individual measures, both on site and digitally. All the activities have been developed in order to support students who have study-related difficulties.

Activities with the Student Health Centre

To make an appointment for a first consultation, use our booking system. The consultation is a stocktaking conversation during which you can explain what you need help with. New slots are released each week.

Make an appointment at the Student Health Centre

If you have a Swedish personal identity number (personnummer), you can contact the Student Health Centre during our telephone hours to book an appointment for testing for chlamydia and gonorrhoea. Please note that we do not offer testing for other sexually transmitted diseases. 

If you do not have a Swedish personal identity number, you can contact several other clinics for testing. You can find a list of clinics on our page:

Sexual health and identity

Telephone number
+46 (0)46-222 43 77

Telephone hours:
Monday to Wednesday: 08:30-9:30
Thursday: 08:15-08:45
Friday: 08:30-09:30

As well as the support available from the Student Health Centre, there is also the opportunity to undertake psychotherapy with a psychology student from Lund University. 

At the Psychotherapy Office within the Department of Psychology, you can register interest in receiving psychotherapy at a reduced cost with a student who is training to become a psychologist.

Register your interest directly on their website:

Psychotherapy office –

Tips and guidance for dealing with various problems

On these pages, you will find loads of information and tools to maintain your well-being during your time as a student. Take a look and find out more about the area or areas that feel relevant to you. As well as advice and support about what you can do yourself, you will also find information on the services offered by the Student Health Centre and how to get in touch with us.

Amongst other things, you can read about problems linked to study-related health issues, such as:

You will also find information and advice about lifestyle-related problems:

When you should contact other healthcare providers

For non-study related problems, you may need to turn to other care providers than the Student Health Centre. This applies if, for example:

  • Your difficulties are not related to study.
  • You have a physical illness or a problem with pain.
  • You know that you need to see a doctor to get a prescription or a sickness certificate.
  • You want to be assessed for ADHD, autism or dyslexia.
  • You want to be assessed for potential psychotherapy or longer talking therapy. 

In such cases, you should contact your own health centre first.

If you have had a healthcare contact in your previous hometown and have recently moved to take up studies at Lund University, you should be referred to the equivalent care for continued treatment where you now live. The Student Health Centre does not accept referrals. We are not able to renew prescriptions previously prescribed by other doctors.

If you are unsure of where to turn for help, you can call us during telephone hours for advice.

If you need urgent help

In case of acute mental health problems, you should contact the emergency psychiatric clinic. Below you will also find contact details to other relevant healthcare providers.

If you are experiencing acute psychological distress, such as thoughts about taking your life or harming yourself or others, we recommend that you contact your closest emergency psychiatric clinic.

  • Lund, telephone: +46 (0)46 17 41 00. The clinic is at Baravägen 1, Lund. 
  • Malmö, telephone: +46 (0)40 33 80 00. The clinic is at Carl-Bertil Laurells gata 7, first floor.
  • Helsingborg, telephone: +46 (0)42 406 27 30. The clinic is at Karolina Widerströms gata 10.

For emergencies or life-threatening situations – dial 112. 

Telephone: 112

In the event of a crisis or serious incident on the University’s premises or if you need to get in contact with a security guard, you can call the University’s emergency number. For example, a serious incident may involve a deceased person, burglary, vandalism, threats or acts of violence, accidents or a fire.

Telephone: +46 (0)46 22 20 700

If you become ill, suffer a minor injury or feel mentally unwell, you can turn to your health centre.

Health centres and healthcare

You can also call the 1177 Healthcare Advice Line. You will be able to speak to a nurse in English who will also help you find the appropriate service. The helpline operates 24 hours a day.

Telephone: 1177 (note that you should call +46 771 1177 00 if you're using a foreign phone number).

Information about health, diseases and accessing health care –

The Crisis Centre is a counselling service working against domestic violence and honour-related violence and oppression. The service is directed towards those who have been subjected to, experienced or engaged in domestic violence.

The Crisis Centre Mellersta Skåne is for residents living in Burlöv, Eslöv, Höör, Kävlinge, Lomma, Lund, Staffanstorp and Svalöv municipalities.

Information and contact details for the Crisis Centre Mellersta Skåne (in Swedish)

The Crisis Centre Malmö is for residents living in Malmö.

Information and contact details for the Crisis Centre Malmö (in Swedish)

The out of hours social services in Lund provide emergency support during evenings, nights and weekends. They can support you in situations concerning violence, abuse, housing issues or if you suspect that someone is being abused.

Telephone: +46 (0)46 12 12 99

The Multifaith Chaplaincy is available to students and employees at Lund University as a special resource. The Multifaith Chaplaincy’s staff have a background in crisis support and are part of several University crisis management groups which coordinate efforts in the event of crises and accidents. 

They can also help during the grieving process and crisis management if needed, as well as participate in and organise memorial services.

About the Multifaith Chaplaincy – Lund Cathedral's website (in Swedish)

Submit your feedback

If you have any views about the care the Student Health Care offers, please submit them via our web form. We value your feedback!

Feedback on the Student Health Centre

Head of Office: Simon Nilsson

Contact information

Telephone and appointment booking

+46 (0)46-222 43 77

Monday–Wednesday, 08:30–09:30
Thursday, 08:15–08:45
Friday, 08:30–09:30

Subject to temporary changes.

Make an appointment at the Student Health Centre

Visiting address:
Sandgatan 3

Find us on Google Maps

For student unions and other organisations
Contact form for student unions and other organisations

Other healthcare providers
Other healthcare providers are referred to our telephone hours above. Please note that the Student Health Centre does not accept referrals from other healthcare providers.