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Étude de l'acquisition de la subordination en français langue seconde (L2). Une comparaison du développement linguistique d'un apprenant enfant L2 avec des stades de développement suggérés pour des apprenants adultes L2.


  • Fanny Carlström Plaza

Summary, in English

According to certain researchers, such as Meisel (2008), a child has a similar way of acquiring a second language (cL2 learners) as adults (aL2 learners) do after the age of four. However, the difference of age and cognitive maturation between an adult and a child awakes ones curiousness of investigating how much the linguistic development of a cL2 learner resembles the one of aL2 learners. This study concentrates on one linguistic area in French which is the development of subordination. It intends to compare the development of subordination in French of a 6 year old child with developmental stages suggested for aL2 learners in French by Bartning & Schlyter (2004). Furthermore Bartning & Schlyter (2004) suggest certain linguistic features that can be used to asses at what stage an aL2 learner belongs.

I chose to make a case-study to enable a more thorough analysis of the linguistic development of the child and it includes a quantitative analysis that concerns statistical measures such as the percentage of subordinate clauses used by the child or the percentage of correct subordinate clauses, as well as a qualitative analysis that looks at the quality and the complexity of the subordinate clauses. Both have been used to establish what stages correspond to the development of subordination of the child, which has then been compared to the linguistic development of aL2 learners suggested by Bartning & Schlyter (2004) in order to see the similarities and differences.

The results showed that the linguistic development of the chosen child seems to follow the stages suggested by Bartning & Schlyter (2004) for aL2 learners, yet not entirely. The comparison revealed some differences concerning the rate of learning and linguistic features emerging differently compared to what is suggested for the aL2 learners. Thus my conclusion is that the acquisition of French by a cL2 learner resembles approximately the acquisition of French by aL2 learners.


Publishing year




Document type

Student publication for Bachelor's degree


  • Languages and Literatures


  • French aL2
  • French cL2
  • subordination in French
  • subordonnées
  • itinéraires d'acquisition
  • FLE
  • second language acquisition
  • enfant L2
  • child L2 acquisition
  • stades d'acquisition.


  • Anita Thomas