Traineeships abroad
Traineeships abroad can provide you with insight into working life, experience of working in an international environment and practical experience in your area of study. A well-chosen traineeship abroad means both building on your existing expertise and broadening your knowledge.
Doing a traineeship with working duties similar to those you aspire to having in the future gives you a competitive advantage when looking for a job.
With new contact networks, good references and sharpened language skills, many find the traineeship to be a direct route into working life.
Traineeship within Europe
If you are a student at Lund University and plan to undertake a traineeship in Europe, you may be eligible for an Erasmus+ traineeship grant. The traineeship can either form part of your studies, or be an optional external complement to your study programme.
Traineeship abroad with the Erasmus+ traineeship grant
Traineeship in a country outside the EU
If you are to do a traineeship outside the EU, you may be eligible to apply for the Crafoord Foundation travel grant.

Working in another country, with people from wildly different backgrounds, helps to give you perspective on life.
Douglas, student at the
Faculty of Engineering (LTH),
on his traineeship in