Examination at Annexet and Sparta
On this page you will find information about the regulations in Annexet and at Sparta, as well as information about digital exams and the opportunity to book a loan computer.
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Common rules
In the Annexet and Sparta buildings in Lund, specific rules apply to examinations and tests. These rules may differ from the rules that apply when sitting exams elsewhere.
Entering and leaving
The doors to the exam halls are closed at the start of the exam. A second admission takes place 30 minutes after the start of the exam. If you arrive after the second intake, you will not be allowed to take the exam and will be referred to the next exam session.
You may leave the examination centre no earlier than 60 minutes after the start of the examination. For exams with a writing time of less than 60 minutes, you may leave the room at the end of the writing time.
Identification when sitting examinations
You must be able to prove your identity by presenting a valid physical (not digital) photo ID. If you do not have a valid photo ID, you will not be allowed to take the exam.
Valid types of photo ID:
- Swedish passport
- Swedish driving licence
- Swedish national identity card
- Swedish ID card for residents issued by the Swedish Tax Agency
- national identity card issued by an EU/EEA/Schengen country
- foreign passport.
Provisional passports and LU cards do not constitute a valid form of identification. If you are using a foreign identity document, you are advised to also present your LU card. Passport is the only valid form of identification for Danish citizens.
If your personal details in Ladok differ from those on your ID document, you must present what is referred to as an alias certificate. Contact your department if you have any questions about this.
Digital exams and loan computers
If you are sitting a digital exam, it is important to read up on the tool you are going to use. If you are going to write in Inspera, you need to do the demo exam to make sure you have the right programmes installed.
You can find more information about the various systems on the University’s digital study environments website:
Loan computer for Canvas, Inspera, Digiexam and Moodle
You can reserve a loan computer if you are taking a digital examination using one of the digital tools Canvas, Inspera, Digiexam or Moodle. Please note that this only applies to exams and tests in Annexet, at Sparta och Beta 6.
The computer can be booked not later than 24 hours before the start of the session, to be collected in the venue at least 15 minutes before the start of the session.
Book a loan computer via TimeEdit (login with student account required)
Adapted invigilated exams
Those in receipt of a decision for learning support have the opportunity to take adapted invigilated exams in Beta 6, provided that the regular exam is given in Annexet or Sparta.
You will receive a letter from Disability Support Services, which will describe the procedure for applying for adaptations for invigilated exams. Once the Examination Office has confirmed your place you will receive a confirmation email. Among other things, the confirmation will include information regarding what type of support you will receive. Be sure to check that everything is correct.
Read more about learning support for students with disabilities
The rules and regulations that apply to regular examinations also apply to adapted invigilated exams.
Address Beta 6: Scheelevägen 17 in Lund.
Contact information
Examination Office
tentamensservice [at] bygg [dot] lu [dot] se