Student health and safety representatives
The student health and safety representative represents you and students at your department or in your field of study on issues related to both your physical, organisational and psychosocial work environment. There is also a principal student health and safety representative at the faculty level.
How your representatives can help
You can turn to your head of department if you discover shortcomings in work environment. You can also contact your student health and safety representative. The student health and safety representative can, for example, represent you and influence working conditions by raising the issue with a supervisor, students’ union or the local health, safety and environment committee.
A student health and safety representative can also request an inspection of both the physical and the psychosocial work environment. A safety inspection entails an examination of the working environment conditions in the organisation. The aim of the safety inspection is to reveal potential risks so that they can be dealt with. The student health and safety representative can also help you report any incidents or accidents.
The student health and safety representative has a duty of confidentiality.
Contact a representative
Each semester, Lund University Students’ Unions (LUS) compiles a list of student health and safety representatives at the University. Look at the list below to see who the health and safety representative is for your course, programme or broader subject area. Contact your representative with any questions concerning the work environment for students. You can also see who your faculty’s principal student health and safety representative is.
Chief Student Health and Safety Representative
Mia Huovilainen, ordf [at] lus [dot] lu [dot] se
Student ombudsman, administrator
Jenna Pystynen, studentombud [at] lus [dot] lu [dot] se (studentombud[at]lus[dot]lu[dot]se)
Principal Student Health and Safety Representative
Ida Rosdahl, studenthalsa [at] mfskane [dot] se
Master's programme in Biomedicine
Inti Heuveldop, skyddsombud [dot] biomed [at] mfskane [dot] se
Master's programme in Public Health
Rasmus Preisler, raspre01 [at] gmail [dot] com
Principal Student Health and Safety Representative
Felix Lantz, vkos [at] hts [dot] lu [dot] se
The Student Council at the Centre for Theology and Religious Studies (CTR)
Mette Dunér, sodomtrax [at] gmail [dot] com (sodomtrax[at]gmail[dot]com)
The Student Council at the Department of Archaeology and Ancient History
Sixten Ahlman, si2647ah-s [at] student [dot] lu [dot] se
The Student Council at the Department of Cultural Sciences
studentradkultvet [at] hts [dot] lu [dot] se (studentradkultvet[at]hts[dot]lu[dot]se)
The Student Council at the Department of Cultural Sciences (Fashion Studies)
Ida Månsson, ida [dot] l [dot] mansson [at] gmail [dot] com
The Student Council at the Department of Educational Sciences
uradet [at] hts [dot] lu [dot] se (uradet[at]hts[dot]lu[dot]se)
The Student Council of History, Human Rights and Asian Studies
studentradhist [at] hts [dot] lu [dot] se
The Student Council at the Department of Languages and Literature
Michelle Olsson, michelle [dot] o [at] telia [dot] com
The Student Council at the Department of Philosophy
Elias Hult, ehult00 [at] gmail [dot] com (ehult00[at]gmail[dot]com)
Principal Student Health and Safety Representative
Anton Bengtsson, utbildning [at] jf [dot] se
Student Health and Safety Representatives
- Hampus Welin, ordf [at] jf [dot] se (ordf[at]jf[dot]se)
- Christian Steene, vice [at] jf [dot] se (vice[at]jf[dot]se)
- Perham Samani, uu [dot] ordf [at] jf [dot] se
Principal Student Health and Safety Representative
Saga AtKisson, edu [dot] affairs [at] lundaekonomerna [dot] se
BSc Business Administration and Economics
- Gillis Leander Bachelor2 [at] lundaekonomerna [dot] se (Bachelor2[at]lundaekonomerna[dot]se)
- Benjamin Thorsell Bachelor [at] lundaekonomerna [dot] se
BSc in Economy and Society
Karolina Wojnar, econ [dot] History [at] lundaekonomerna [dot] se (econ[dot]History[at]lundaekonomerna[dot]se)
BSc International Business
Linda Jankova, int [dot] bachelor [at] lundaekonomerna [dot] se (int[dot]bachelor[at]lundaekonomerna[dot]se)
Business Administration
- Emilia Claesson, bachelor [at] lundaekonomerna [dot] se (bachelor[at]lundaekonomerna[dot]se)
- Julia Karlsson, business [dot] adm [at] lundaekonomerna [dot] se (business[dot]adm[at]lundaekonomerna[dot]se)
- Julia Vadström, bachelor2 [at] lundaekonomerna [dot] se (bachelor2[at]lundaekonomerna[dot]se)
Business Law
Ingrid Weidler, bus [dot] law [at] lundaekonomerna [dot] se
- Emil Hervén, bachelor3 [at] lundaekonomerna [dot] se
- Hilda Haag, economics [at] lundaekonomerna [dot] se
- Linnea Hagnell, economics2 [at] lundaekonomerna [dot] se
Economic History
Karolina Wojnar, econ [dot] History [at] lundaekonomerna [dot] se (econ[dot]History[at]lundaekonomerna[dot]se)
- Elsa Högberg, tnformatics [at] lundaekonomerna [dot] se
- Ines Kahrimanovic, informatics [at] lundaekonomerna [dot] se (informatics[at]lundaekonomerna[dot]se)
Amitis Kiarashi, statistics [at] lundaekonomerna [dot] se
Principal Student Health and Safety Representative
Ellen Nilsson, hsso [at] luna [dot] lu [dot] se
- Fanny Blomfeldt, bug-hms [at] luna [dot] lu [dot] se (bug-hms[at]luna[dot]lu[dot]se)
- Rozeline Buimer, bug-hms [at] luna [dot] lu [dot] se (bug-hms[at]luna[dot]lu[dot]se)
Emma Johansson. kerub-hms [at] luna [dot] lu [dot] se (kerub-hms[at]luna[dot]lu[dot]se)
Environmental Science
mys-hms [at] luna [dot] lu [dot] se (mys-hms[at]luna[dot]lu[dot]se)
sng-hms [at] luna [dot] lu [dot] se
- Maëlle Cardenau, mur-hms [at] luna [dot] lu [dot] se (mur-hms[at]luna[dot]lu[dot]se)
Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science (INES)
sng-hms [at] luna [dot] lu [dot] se (sng-hms[at]luna[dot]lu[dot]se)
- Victor Hallberg, glufs-hms [at] luna [dot] lu [dot] se (glufs-hms[at]luna[dot]lu[dot]se)
- Amandine Ducrocq-Myles, glufs-hms [at] luna [dot] lu [dot] se
Principal Student Health and Safety Representative
Veronika Kletečková, pres [dot] fak [at] samvetet [dot] lu [dot] se
Department of Human Geography
Michelle Appelros, sso [dot] keg [at] samvetet [dot] lu [dot] se
Graduate School
Sarah Kurian, sso [dot] graduate [at] samvetet [dot] lu [dot] se
LUCSUS (Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies)
Lea Sina Schulz, sso [dot] lucsus [at] samvetet [dot] lu [dot] se (sso[dot]lucsus[at]samvetet[dot]lu[dot]se)
Sociology of Law Department
Sylvia Deyo, sso [dot] soclaw [at] samvetet [dot] lu [dot] se
Strategic Communication
Fabian Andersson, sso [dot] isk [at] samvetet [dot] lu [dot] se
Principal Student Health and Safety Representative
hsso [at] skfm [dot] lu [dot] se
Principal Student Health and Safety Representative
Filip Lennhager, sa [at] tlth [dot] se
Oskar Hjalmarsson, sra-skyddsombud [at] asektionen [dot] se
Chemical Engineering, Biotechnology
Fabian Morén, fysansv [at] ksek [dot] se
Computer Technology and Infocom
Mikolaj Sinicka skyddsombud [at] dsek [dot] se
Electrical Engineering, Medicine and Technology
Student health and safety representative regarding physical aspects, Moa Månsson, skyddsombud [at] esek [dot] se
Student health and safety representative regarding the social and organisational aspects, Lovisa Ahlvin and Matilda Sibley, likabehandlingsombud [at] esek [dot] se
Fire Engineering
Samantha Karmi Hamoudi, studerandeskydddsombud [at] biif [dot] se
Industrial Design
Vacant. Contact Sofia Magnusson, sa [at] tlth [dot] se
Mechanical Engineering, Technical Design
Joel Toryd, skyddsombud [at] maskinsektionen [dot] com
Road and Water Construction
Elin Amrén, studskyddsombud [at] vsek [dot] se
Technical Physics, Mathematics, Nanoscience
Signe Nord, skyddsombud [at] fsektionen [dot] se
Contact information
Want to become a student health and safety representative?
Read more about what a student health and safety representative is and how to become one.