Collaboration in Europe
Lund University collaborates and cooperates with top universities all over the world through international networks, programmes and platforms.
Global Dynamic Engagement (GDE) is Lund University's approach to enhance our international impact in research, education, innovation and cooperation. In this work, democracy, human rights, academic freedom, and accountability are core values.
Through GDE, we aim to strengthen and develop our collaborations in Europe. Our priority activities here are outlined in an annual roadmap.
League of European Research Universities (LERU)
LERU was founded in 2002 by some of Europe’s leading universities, including the universities of
- Cambridge
- Oxford
- Helsinki and
- Heidelberg.
LERU’s aims are to strengthen European research, education and innovation and to develop best practice through the mutual exchange of experiences. This is mainly done through lobbying towards the European Commission.
Membership of LERU is by invitation only. The criteria for membership include high-quality, peer-reviewed scientific research (so-called 'peer-recognised academic excellence') and comprehensiveness. That is to say that member universities need to be full scale and comprise several research disciplines.
Lund University was elected in 2004.
European University Alliance for Global Health (EUGLOH)
European Universities is a programme initiated and largely funded by the EU to strengthen strategic partnerships between European universities. EUGLOH is part of the programme, with which Lund University has been collaborating since 2019:
- Paris-Saclay University (France, coordinator)
- Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich – LMU (Germany)
- University of Alcalá (Spain)
- University of Hamburg (Germany)
- University of Novi Sad (Serbia)
- University of Porto (Portugal)
- University of Szeged (Hungary)
- University of Tromsø, The Arctic University of Norway – UiT (Norway).
About the European Universities Initiative – European Commission website
Erasmus+ is the European Union's programme for collaboration in higher education. The programme offers opportunities for international exchange and strategic collaboration projects to increase the quality of education and learning.
University-wide partnerships
University of Hamburg
With more than 42,000 students, the University of Hamburg (Universität Hamburg) is one of the largest universities in Germany, combining versatile education with outstanding research. The University consists of eight faculties.
Universities and Swedish Research Institutes Cooperating for Internationalisation (USI)
USI is a collaboration between Swedish universities and the Swedish Research Institutes in Rome, Athens and Istanbul. USI provides access to the institutes' unique resources, libraries, archives and international research environments for students, doctoral students, teachers and researchers. The Swedish Institutes in Rome, Athens and Istanbul focus primarily on research in the humanities, social sciences and the arts.
Nordlys is a cross-disciplinary network within the Nordplus programme, with participation by 38 universities in the Nordic countries.
Nordlys is aimed at students and teaching staff who want to study or work in subjects in which their institution does not have agreements/networks with universities in the other Nordic countries.
Contact information
Richard Stenelo
leru [at] er [dot] lu [dot] se
Kristina Miolin
kristina [dot] miolin [at] er [dot] lu [dot] se (kristina[dot]miolin[at]er[dot]lu[dot]se)
+46 (0)46 222 46 16
Petra Moser-Nørgaard
petra [dot] moser-norgaard [at] er [dot] lu [dot] se (petra[dot]moser-norgaard[at]er[dot]lu[dot]se)
+46 (0)46 222 47 53
University-wide partnerships
Universität Hamburg:
Petra Moser-Nørgaard
petra [dot] moser-norgaard [at] er [dot] lu [dot] se (petra[dot]moser-norgaard[at]er[dot]lu[dot]se)
+46 (0)46 222 47 53
Fanni Faegersten
fanni [dot] faegersten [at] ht [dot] lu [dot] se (fanni[dot]faegersten[at]ht[dot]lu[dot]se)
+46 (0)46 222 87 73
Petra Moser-Nørgaard
petra [dot] moser-norgaard [at] er [dot] lu [dot] se (petra[dot]moser-norgaard[at]er[dot]lu[dot]se)
+46 (0)46 222 47 53