Make an appointment at the Student Health Centre
You can find information here on how to contact the Student Health Centre when you are in need of support, advice or treatment.
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If you recently been in contact with, or are have an ongoing contact with a health centre or psychiatric care, we ask that you turn to them first.
How to make an appointment
You can book an initial consultation using the Student Health Centre’s appointment booking system. During the initial consultation, we will call you from a private number and you can tell us what you need help with. The call will take approximately 20 minutes and it is good if you sit somewhere where you can talk undisturbed.
You will receive a confirmation email when the booking is complete. The email contains instructions on how to cancel or rebook your appointment. Be sure to check your spam folder as the email may end up there (the sender is noreply [at] vardtid [dot] stu [dot] lu [dot] se).
While the booking system is in Swedish (see instructions in English below), meetings booked through the link above will be in English.
How the appointment booking system works
When entering the appointment booking system, you need to start by filling in your Swedish personal identity number (see instructions in English below). If you do not have a Swedish personal identity number, fill in (0000) at the end.
Then move on and fill in the fields in the left menu to find a time slot that suits you. Select a time slot and fill in your personal information. It is important to provide the telephone number you wish to be contacted on.
Please note that new time slots are released in the appointment booking system every week.
You start by filling in your Swedish personal identity number (Ange personnummer). If you do not have a Swedish personal identity number, fill in 0000 instead of the last four digits, i.e. YYYYMMDD-0000. Only use digits, and never used the letter T or P!
In the booking system, you need to fill in the following:
- Typ av besök (Type of visit) – pick 'Intake interview over phone in English'
- Mottagning (Reception) – pick 'Studenthälsan/Student Health Centre'
You can narrow down your search using the following filters.
- 'Tidigast den' (At the earliest) – pick the earliest date possible for you.
- 'Senast den' (No later than) – pick a date before which you want to make an appointment.
- 'Tider från och med' (Time slots from) – pick a time that suits you.
Choose Sök (Search) and available times based on your search criteria will show up.
Once you've selected a time slot that suits you, you need to fill in the following:
- Förnamn (first name) – fill in your first name
- Efternamn (family name) – fill in your family name(s)
- E-postadress (email-address) – fill in your email address
- Bekräfta e-post (confirm your email-address) – confirm your email address twice
- Telefon (phone number) – leave empty
- Övrig information (additional information) – leave empty
- Adress (address) – fill in your address
- Postnummer (postcode) – fill in your postcode
- Ort (city/state) – fill in your city/state
- Mobilnummer (mobile phone number) – fill in your mobile phone number
You need to agree on getting a booking confirmation to the email that you entered by filling in the box: Jag samtycker till att en bokningsbekräftelse skickas till angiven e-post.
When you're done, complete your booking by clicking the button 'Boka' (make an appointment). You will now see your booking confirmation.
Should you like to change or cancel the appointment immediately, please use the link 'Ändra/avboka bokningen' (change or cancel your appointment).
If the message 'Tiden går inte att boka' (this slot cannot be booked) appears, this means that the slot has already been booked by someone else. Please return to the booking system and choose a different time slot.
You will receive a confirmation via email in which you will also find a link to change or cancel your appointment.
Need to cancel an appointment?
Do not forget to cancel your appointment if you are unable to attend, since someone else might need an appointment. You must cancel the initial consultation at least 24 hours before the appointment.
Instructions on how to cancel your appointment can be found in the confirmation email that you received after you completed your booking.
Areas in which you can get help and advice
We have gathered tips as well as information on different areas related to your well-being. Take a look and find out more about the area or areas that feel relevant to you.
Contact information
Telephone and appointment booking
+46 (0)46-222 43 77
Monday–Wednesday, 08:30–09:30
Thursday, 08:15–08:45
Friday, 08:30–09:30
Subject to temporary changes.
Make an appointment at the Student Health Centre
Visiting address:
Sandgatan 3
For student unions and other organisations
Contact form for student unions and other organisations
Other healthcare providers
Other healthcare providers are referred to our telephone hours above. Please note that the Student Health Centre does not accept referrals from other healthcare providers.