Worry and anxiety
Anxiety can be characterised and expressed in various ways. It could be exam anxiety, speech anxiety, social anxiety, or panic attacks. It might feel awful, but it is not dangerous. You can find information here about common symptoms and what you can do to manage your worry and anxiety.
Shortcuts to page content:
- Anxiety
- Self-care tips to relieve your anxiety
- The Student Health Centre’s activities
- When should I seek help for my anxiety?
- Make an appointment
Anxiety can be characterised as having the same effect as fear but is based on something that you imagine can happen in the future. Anxiety is often perceived as being a very unpleasant experience, but it is not dangerous. As a student, you may experience anxiety ahead of an exam, during social activities, or if you are worried about an oral presentation – an anxiety that makes it difficult to cope with your studies.
Anxiety can be understood as an internal alarm system, a signal to the body to fight or flee from something that is threatening. In essence, this is a system that is crucial to our survival and it incorporates our thoughts, feelings, body and behaviour. However, the alarm system cannot differentiate between actual threats and that which we perceive to be threatening in our minds. As a result, your body can react to your thoughts as though you are being subjected to an actual threat.
It may be a good idea to pay attention to things that trigger your anxiety to understand them more clearly and to minimise the reaction. There are many things you can do yourself (see tips below), but if feelings of anxiety persist for a long time and/or if they become an obstacle to daily life and studies, the Student Health Centre can offer you support.
- catastrophic thinking and distressing thoughts
- avoidance behaviours
- fear of losing control
- physical reactions, for example, stomach ache, nausea, heart palpitations, trembling, dizziness and dry mouth
- numbness in arms and legs.
It is important to contact your health centre if you experience physical symptoms which you do not think are associated with anxiety.
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It is also common for young adults to experience anxiety based on their attitude to food. Find out more about how problematic eating habits can affect your well-being:
You can test your mental health and your anxiety levels with our lifestyle test.
A panic attack can be characterised by strong fear and anxiety that appears suddenly and cause clear physical reactions, for example heart palpitations, chest pain, difficulty breathing, sweating or trembling.
Panic attacks can often be very frightening, and the fear may force you to avoid places and situations that can trigger your anxiety. This may limit the spaces that you feel comfortable in and perhaps stop you from doing the things you need to do in order to feel good. A panic attack is not dangerous, though it may feel unpleasant.
Before, or during, an exam or speaking in public, you may be affected by a powerful stress reaction. You might experience a blackout or have difficulty completing the task that is making you anxious.
At times you may feel the physical symptoms of anxiety such as nausea, stomach ache or difficulty sleeping long before an exam or giving a speech. Sometimes, it might involve ruminating about past events.
Another reason may be that there are other things in life that are troubling you. You may not have adequate time for recovery day-to-day, which increases your vulnerability to stress and anxiety. A combination of self-doubt over your abilities and high expectations you set for yourself could also increase the risk of anxiety.
- Try to stay in the present and direct your focus on the things around you. Make use of your senses to shift your focus, for example what you hear and see.
- Focus on exhaling, push all the air out of your lungs, then simply inhale and breathe again. Take long, deep breaths that you can feel all the way down to your stomach.
- Try to redirect your focus by doing something else for a moment: take a walk, listen to music or call a friend.
- Take care of yourself through regular sleep, diet and exercise.
- Establish good structures and review your study habits.
- Schedule regular breaks and time for recovery.
- Set a time to mark the end of your study day and the beginning of your free time.
- Reduce the stress and demands of daily life so that you have an opportunity to rest and recover.
- Seek help from friends and study together.
- Try to be active during your free time and engage in things that make you feel good.
- Remind yourself that thoughts are not necessarily truths or facts; they are simply thoughts.
- Try mindfulness exercises, meditation or yoga.
- Remind yourself that anxiety is not dangerous – even though it may feel that way in the moment, and that the unpleasantness will subside.
- Try to do things that are important for you – even if it causes you anxiety.
- Talk to someone about how you feel.
The Student Health Centre’s activities
The Student Health Centre offers various several activities that may be relevant to you if you are experiencing worry or anxiety, for example, the group treatment Think less. You can find our full range of groups and courses on our page:
When should I seek help for my anxiety?
- If you have recurrent panic attacks for longer than a month.
- If you have started to avoid situations and places due to fear of experiencing anxiety and it becomes an obstacle for you in terms of your studies and daily life.
- If you try to relieve your anxiety by drinking alcohol, using drugs or engaging in self-harm.
- If you have physical symptoms that you are not sure are caused by anxiety.
If you recognise yourself in one or several of the patterns mentioned above, you should make an appointment at your health centre.
Make an appointment
You can arrange a meeting at the Student Health Centre for support and advice if your anxiety is related to your studies.
Tips on how to manage anxiety
For you who are worried about the ongoing wars and disruptive incidents in the world.
Contact information
Telephone and appointment booking
+46 (0)46-222 43 77
Monday–Wednesday, 08:30–09:30
Thursday, 08:15–08:45
Friday, 08:30–09:30
Subject to temporary changes.
Make an appointment at the Student Health Centre
Visiting address:
Sandgatan 3
For student unions and other organisations
Contact form for student unions and other organisations
Other healthcare providers
Other healthcare providers are referred to our telephone hours above. Please note that the Student Health Centre does not accept referrals from other healthcare providers.
Suggested reading
The national website for student health Studenthälsa.se: