Learning Swedish
Information for admitted students
As a student at Lund University, you have several opportunities to learn Swedish. These include regular Swedish language courses as well as more informal learning opportunities.
Getting started before you arrive
If you want to learn some basic Swedish before arriving in Sweden and Lund, you can check out the Swedish Institute's list of online resources for learning Swedish.
Learn Swedish online – studyinsweden.se
If you want to learn Swedish during your studies
If you are admitted to Lund University, you will have several opportunities to learn Swedish. The options available to you depend on:
- whether you are an exchange, degree or doctoral student
- the length of your studies, and
- the availability of places.
Find out what applies to you:
An introductory Swedish language course (SUSA, 3 ECTS) is offered during the Orientation Weeks. You can also take Swedish language courses (SVEE, 7.5 ECTS per course) as part of your study plan.
If you are enrolled in a one-year Master's programme, you can take an introductory Swedish course. You will receive a link to register for this course in June.
If you are enrolled in a two- or three-year Master's or Bachelor's programme, you are eligible for Swedish for Immigrants (SFI). Please note that you will need a Swedish personal identity number ('personnummer') to apply for these courses. Once you have arrived in Sweden, you should apply for this number at the Swedish Tax Agency ('Skatteverket').
Find out more:
Learn or improve your Swedish as a current student at Lund University
If you are a doctoral student at Lund University, you are eligible for staff-tailored Swedish courses.
During your time at Lund, you can practise your Swedish at language cafés.
You can also apply for paid courses at Folkuniversitetet.
Find out more:
Learn or improve your Swedish as a current student at Lund University
If learning Swedish is your main goal
Our Study Abroad Swedish Language Course Package is designed for students who want to come to Sweden specifically to learn the language.