Campus development

Lunds University’s campuses are to be attractive and reflect the University's identity, with places for social interaction and opportunities for recovery and recreation – all in a safe and inclusive environment.
As society changes, so does the University. Over the next 20 to 25 years, about a third of the University’s premises will be renewed or adapted to meet the needs of tomorrow's education, research and external engagement.
For example, online teaching and remote working in recent years have accelerated the development of how we use new ways of learning, new ways of working and new digital technologies in teaching and collaboration.
The University's Campus Plan runs until 2027, and work on a new plan is proceeding. Read more about the Campus Plan and the University's organisation for campus development below:
Current development projects
Lund University has campuses in Lund, Malmö, Helsingborg and Ljungbyhed (School of Aviation) and has several initiatives ahead for campus development. Below are some of the ongoing and planned development projects:
- Ongoing projects
- Planned projects
- Completed projects
Contact information
Madeleine Stjärne Starck
Project manager Campus Development Office
madeleine [dot] stjarne [at] bygg [dot] lu [dot] se (madeleine[dot]stjarne[at]bygg[dot]lu[dot]se)
Telephone: 46 (0)46 222 30 10

Campus Paradis and a new centre for social sciences
Activities at the University's Faculty of Social Sciences are currently spread out with the departments located far from each other. There is also a lack of modern study and education environments with up-to-date technology, and many of the premises need to be adapted to improve accessibility.
The Campus Paradis project will bring the faculty's departments together in suitable premises in the Paradis quarter.
Through renovation and new construction in the northern part of the quarter, Campus Paradis will be complemented by a new centre for social sciences, CESAM, which will meet the faculty's needs for new forums, a modern teaching and study environment, a modern specialised library etc.
Facts | Campus Paradis and CESAM
Driving force: To create a unified and tailored centre for the University's Faculty of Social Sciences.
Floor space:
- Gamla lungkliniken and CESAM: 10,200 m2 (new construction + renovation)
- Gamla barnsjukhuset, Gamla kirurgen and Gamla paviljongen: 7,800 m2 (renovation)
Site: Paradis quarter
Architect: Jais Landén Krantz Architects
Estimated completion dates:
- Gamla lungkliniken: 2024
- CESAM: 2028 (preliminary)
- Gamla barnsjukhuset: 2029 (preliminary)
- Gamla kirurgen and Gamla paviljongen: 2030 (preliminary)
More information:
Campus Paradis –

The Palm House
The Botanical Garden's greenhouse was built in the 1860s for scientific purposes, and the plants – some of which are old, rare and valuable – are still used for teaching and research.
The project includes, among other things, a new entrance and an upgrade of the technical systems in both the Palm House and the adjacent greenhouses. The roof of the Palm House will also be raised by three metres to give the 150-year-old cycads more room to grow. This will provide a modern working environment for the organisation and secure the unique plant material for future generations of researchers, students and visitors.
The whole Botanicum quarter has been under government protection since 1974.
Facts | The Palm House
Driving force: To secure access to rare plant material for researchers and students, and to improve the working environment.
Floor space: Around 250 m2 new construction and 850 m2 renovation
Site: Botanical Garden
Architect: White Architects
Estimated completion date: earliest 2025
Sustainability: SGBC certification is being investigated.
More information:

The University’s establishment in Science Village
The establishment in Science Village is of significant strategic importance to the University as a whole, and the Faculty of Science and the Faculty of Engineering (LTH) will have activities in the area.
The establishment is divided into two phases – the establishment of NanoLund in Nanolab Science Village and the co-location of activities within LTH and the Faculty of Science.
Stage 1 refers to NanoLund's establishment in the area under the planned name NanoLab Science Village. They plan to move into newly built premises in 2028 (may be subject to change). The location of the lab has been decided and the process to procure a landlord has begun.
The next phase involves finalising the procurement of a landlord.
Contact information
Anneli Löfgren, project manager
anneli [dot] lofgren [at] ftf [dot] lth [dot] se (anneli[dot]lofgren[at]ftf[dot]lth[dot]se )
+46 (0)46 222 84 99
Stage 2 involves the co-location of activities that currently make up the Department of Physics, most of the Department of Chemistry and parts of the Department of Electrical and Information Technology (EIT). Together, they will create an interdisciplinary environment close to the MAX IV and ESS research facilities. The move is planned for 2030 (may be subject to change).
The next part of the process includes evaluating the premises programme finalised in December 2023. The aim is to produce a feasibility study to concretise the need for premises and enable a smooth transition to the next phase of the project, namely the procurement of a landlord.
Work on the premises programme is expected to last until autumn 2024 and the feasibility study is expected to be completed in spring 2025. The documentation for procuring the landlord is due to be finalised in summer 2025.
The work, which follows the guidelines set out in the Vice-Chancellor's decision (STYR 2022/2785) of December 2023, was assigned to LU Estates in close cooperation with LTH and the Faculty of Science.
Contact information
Knut Deppert, project manager
knut [dot] deppert [at] ftf [dot] lth [dot] se (knut[dot]deppert[at]ftf[dot]lth[dot]se)
+46 (0)46 222 95 20
Charlotte von Brömssen, project manager
Campus Development Office
charlotte [dot] von_bromssen [at] bygg [dot] lu [dot] se (charlotte[dot]von_bromssen[at]bygg[dot]lu[dot]se)
+46 (0)46 222 69 36
Science Village in the city district of Brunnshög in northeastern Lund includes MAX IV, ESS and central Science Village. In the future, Science Village will be part of a dynamic and international environment where new research ideas and collaborations between universities, industry and other parts of society can be developed.
In addition to the University's activities, central Science Village will include, among other things
- Lund Science Centre for activities and exhibitions
- The Loop – a forum for industry, academia and research
- Space – offices and laboratories
as well as offices, restaurants and cafés.
Facts | Lund University in Science Village
Driving force: To create new, creative and knowledge-intensive environments and, through the use of MAX IV and ESS,To contribute to successful research for the benefit of society.
Floor space:
5,700 m2 (stage 1)
30,000 to 40,000 m2 (stage 2)
Site: Science Village, Brunnshög
Estimated completion date:
2028 (stage 1)
2030 (stage 2)
Sustainability: SGBC certification is being investigated.
More information:
The Science Village establishment –
Lund University in Science Village – (in Swedish)

The Main University Building
To improve the working environment and accessibility, the Main University Building will now undergo an extensive renovation. In addition to improved working and ceremonial spaces, the building will include a reception area for the whole University, flexible teaching and seminar spaces, and study spaces.
The aim is for the building to be an open and welcoming place for students, staff and visitors, and to continue to be a venue for the University's meetings, events and ceremonies.
The Main University Building opened in 1882. Together with the rest of the University Square, it is a national heritage site, and has a considerable symbolic value for the University as a whole.
Facts | Main University Building
Driving force: To create an open and inviting centre for the University, where students, staff and the public can get guidance and answers to questions about LU, and which continues to be a venue for the University's ceremonies.
Floor space: 4,600 m2 (renovation)
Architect: Ongoing procurement process/Helgo Zettervall 1882
Estimated completion date: 2028 (preliminary)
More information:

Forum Medicum
Forum Medicum will bring together the research and education of the Health Sciences Centre and the Biomedical Centre in a joint health sciences and biomedical knowledge centre next to the University Hospital in Lund.
The new building will create good opportunities for interdisciplinary collaboration between the Faculty of Medicine's programmes in medicine, health and nursing and the three areas of research: basic research, health sciences research and clinical research.
With its central location on campus, Forum Medicum will be a natural meeting place for the faculty's students, staff and partners.
Facts | M Building
Driving force: To build tailored workshops and laboratories for precision equipment, as well as lecture halls for teaching using new teaching and learning methods.
Floor space:
570 m2 new construction,
20,000 m2 renovation
Site: Faculty of Engineering (LTH)
Architects: Sweco Architects 2023/Klas Anshelm 1963
Sustainability: SGBC Silver
Completion date: 2023
More information:
M Building renovation – (in Swedish)
M Building in Lund to be modernised – (in Swedish)

The King's House
The University Management and the Offices of the Vice-Chancellor have been based in the King's House (Kungshuset) since January 2024. New and old go hand in hand inside the lovingly restored building. Around 40 members of staff work in the building, some in open-plan spaces, others in offices of their own. As part of the renovation, the building has also been given a new entrance facing University Square and the fountain.
Bringing the University Management and the Offices of the Vice-Chancellor back together in the King's House revives a connection to our history, while bolstering University Square and the University's identity in the city.
For almost 200 years – from 1688 to 1882 – the King's House was the University's main building. The building was completed in 1584 and, together with the rest of the University Square, is a national heritage site. The areas of the building that are most worthy of special protection are now being adapted for the University Management's current and future use.
Facts | The King's House
Driving force: To bring together the University Management in a central, historically important building to shorten decision-making processes, increase collaboration and strengthen the University's identity.
Floor space: 1,500 m2 (renovation)
Site: Lundagård
Architect: Tengbom
Completion date: 2023
More information:
Renovation to begin on the King's House in Lundagård – Staff Pages
The King's House in Lundagård is to be renovated – (in Swedish)

The M Building
The M Building at the Faculty of Engineering (LTH) has a large number of national and international guests. Several of the departments conduct leading-edge research, including Motorlab, RobotLab and the Division of Industrial Electrical Engineering and Automation – with a direct current laboratory, a new battery room for lithium batteries etc.
The new building meets today's high standards for the physical research environment, for example in terms of precision equipment in workshops and laboratories.
Two large halls are also being constructed in the building, the Technodrome and the Steam Boiler Hall, for teaching based on new methods (Active Learning Classroom). The halls will be a shared resource for the whole of LTH.
The M Building opened in 1963 and currently houses research and education activities in areas including automatic control, industrial electrical engineering, solid mechanics and energy sciences.
Facts | Forum Medicum
Driving force: A health sciences centre for collaboration between the medical and nursing programmes and the Faculty of Medicine's research.
Floor space:
15,000 m2 new construction
6,000 m2 renovation
Site: Sölvegatan, Lund
Architects: Henning Larsen Architects/Sweco Architects
Completion date: 2023
Sustainability: SGBC Gold
More information:
Campus Plan
The Campus Plan is a document that describes the long-term vision for the development of the University's potential geographical expansion in Lund. It was completed in 2012 and applies until 2027.
The plan was drawn up by Lund University in cooperation with Akademiska Hus and the City of Lund, among others, and was approved by the University Board.
In 2022, work started on a new Campus Development Plan, that will apply for the period 2025 to 2050.
The Campus Development Council participates in the drawing up of the Campus Development Plan and sets the guidelines. The council identifies potential areas for campus development, conducts a dialogue with important external partners and assists in monitoring information about campus development at other universities in Sweden and internationally.
The Campus Development Office works to enable Lund University to make effective use of existing knowledge and experience in the development of the campuses. The office collects and makes available information from previous and ongoing projects within the University and from current research in the field.
The Campus Development Office also works closely with the Campus Development Council and acts as a link between the visions of individual faculties and the overall view needed to create an attractive university environment.