Massive Open Online Courses
Lund University offers MOOCs – online courses open to anyone with an interest, regardless of previous experience. Please note that you cannot include a MOOC as a part of a degree or receive university credits for it.
You can find Lund University's MOOCs on the Coursera platform ( They have flexible start dates, so you can start at any time.
Find all of Lund University's MOOCs on our collection page at
MOOCs by subject area
The MOOCs listed below are categorised according to their main/broad subject areas, but note that most of them are interdisciplinary courses.
There are some specialisation options available in the course list below. These specialisations are indicated by the words 'course 1', 'course 2', 'course 3' in brackets. You can either take one or more of these courses individually, in your preferred order, or you can take them all as part of the specialisation.
All links below are to the website.
Academic writing
Business, economics and society
- African development – from the past to the present
- AI, Business and the Future of Work
- AI: Ethics and Societal Challenges
- AI & Law
- Digital Business Models
European Business Law Specialisation
- Understanding the Fundamentals (course 1)
- Doing Business in Europe (course 2)
- Competing in Europe (course 3)
Science, engineering and medicine
Nordic Particle Accelerator Programme
- Introduction to Particle Accelerator – NPAP (course 1)
- Fundamentals of Particle Accelerator Technology – NPAP (course 2)
- Medical Applications of Particle Accelerators – NPAP (course 3)
- Circular Economy – Sustainable Materials Management
- Cities, Climate and Change: Pathways and Opportunities
- Greening the Economy: Lessons from Scandinavia
- 1.5° Lifestyles: Mainstreaming Everyday Sustainability
- Urban Climate Governance: Towards 1.5° Celsius Alignment
- Working for a sustainable future: concepts and approaches
Sustainable Cities and Communities Specialisation
- Greening the Economy: Sustainable Cities (course 1)
- Urban Nature: Connecting Cities, Sustainability and Innovation (course 2)
- Cities and Consumption: Urban Sustainability and the Sharing Economy (course 3)
How to sign up for MOOCs
Sign up for a course on the individual course pages on the platform Coursera (
For MOOCs offered on other platforms than Coursera, other rules may apply.
Please note that it is not possible to apply for a MOOC course via
MOOC stands for 'Massive Open Online Course' and is an online university course open to anyone. The courses are entirely digital and start regularly.
The courses offered at Lund University do not lead to a formal degree. If you want a certificate, you can pay a fee to have a certificate issued upon successful completion of the course.