List of Rights
Student rights can relate to student influence, the student work environment, exam implementation, degree projects and much more. You can find information about your rights and responsibilities in relation to the University in the List of Rights.
The List of Rights for students at the Bachelor's and Master's levels at Lund University is intended to help clarify what students are entitled to and, in some cases, what their responsibilities are.
There are special rules and guidelines for doctoral students.
Doctoral education – staff website
Student rights and responsibilities – download the list
The List of Rights is formulated to comprise the most common situations that can arise during a student's studies, and it consists of eight different sections.
- Study environment
- Registration of course participation and exam results
- Course planning and timetabling
- Compulsory components
- Examination
- Independent projects (degree projects)
- Course evaluations
- Responsibility
You can view and download the University's List of Rights here.
List of Rights – Lund University Students’ Rights and Responsibilities (PDF 668 kB, new tab)
If a right is not covered, students can turn to the student unions for help and support.
Special exemptions from specific points in the List of Rights
There are special exemptions from specific points in the List of Rights for some courses and study programmes. According to point 8.3 of the List of Rights, exemptions from the List of Rights may be granted by the chair of the university-wide Education Board following a request from a faculty board.
Below is an excerpt from the decisions taken for the faculties. Both the request for an exemption and the decision itself can be read under each faculty. If you would like to read a decision in its entirety, please contact Oskar Cornelius, oskar [dot] cornelius [at] stu [dot] lu [dot] se, who is part of the Education Board’s secretariat.
The Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, LTH has decided to request an exemption from one point in the List of Rights. The decision to request an exemption has been made in consultation with representatives from the LTH Student Union (Teknologkåren).
The University has decided to grant the Faculty of Engineering (LTH) an exemption from point 5.1 in the List of Rights – Lund University Students’ Rights and Responsibilities as specified below.
The decision was made on 19 August 2024.
List of Rights 5.1: The department is responsible for ensuring that for each course/module, the following are organised in addition to the regular assessed components:
- re-sit five to seven weeks after the regular exam and
- one further exam session for courses completed in the past academic year (catch-up exam). However, for certain forms of examination, such as placements, the number of exam sessions may be limited to two.
In accordance with Section 3.11, exams and compulsory components are not to be timetabled later than one week after the end of the spring semester or earlier than three weeks before the start of the autumn semester. To avoid a re-sit being held in the middle of the summer, it can be timetabled later than seven weeks after the regular exam session when the regular exam is at the end of the spring semester. To avoid a re-sit being held during the Christmas and New Year period, it can be timetabled later than seven weeks after the regular exam session when the regular exam is in November. A re-sit is to be timetabled at the earliest ten working days after the student has been notified of the results of the regular exam.
The faculty requests an exemption from this point based on the following:
The Dean of LTH makes an annual decision on the organisation of the academic year. The decision sets out, among other things, the scheduling of study periods and the timetable for exams and re-sits, which determines the interval between exam sessions at LTH.
The Board of the Faculty of Fine and Performing Arts has decided to request an exemption from two points in the List of Rights. The decision to request exemptions has been made in consultation with representatives from the faculty student union SKFM.
The University has decided to grant the Faculty of Fine and Performing Arts an exemption from points 3.5 and 5.1 in the List of Rights – Lund University Students’ Rights and Responsibilities as specified below.
The decision was made on 19 August 2024.
List of Rights 3.5: The University is responsible for ensuring that course timetables and the dates and times of exams and re-sits are available on the course or programme website and student portal, where applicable, at least one month before the start of the course.
The faculty requests an exemption from point 3.5 based on the following:
For course timetables in the Upper Secondary Music Teacher Training Programme at the Malmö Academy of Music and in the case of admission to stand-alone courses, the scheduling is largely individually adapted and cannot be finalised until after the second selection in the national rounds of applications. For this reason, the schedule cannot be made available at least one month before the start of the course. The departments are responsible for ensuring that the process is completed quickly and that effective communication is maintained with the students concerned during the scheduling period.
List of Rights 5.1: The department is responsible for ensuring that for each course/module, the following are organised in addition to the regular assessed components:
- re-sit five to seven weeks after the regular exam and
- one further exam session for courses completed in the past academic year (catch-up exam). However, for certain forms of examination, such as placements, the number of exam sessions may be limited to two.
In accordance with Section 3.11, exams and compulsory components are not to be timetabled later than one week after the end of the spring semester or earlier than three weeks before the start of the autumn semester. To avoid a re-sit being held in the middle of the summer, it can be timetabled later than seven weeks after the regular exam session when the regular exam is at the end of the spring semester. To avoid a re-sit being held during the Christmas and New Year period, it can be timetabled later than seven weeks after the regular exam session when the regular exam is in November. A re-sit is to be timetabled at the earliest ten working days after the student has been notified of the results of the regular exam.
The faculty requests an exemption from point 5.1 based on the following:
For certain assessment formats in artistic subjects, it is not possible to recreate the assessment situation for a re-sit. This applies, for example, to theatrical performances and orchestral projects. For this reason, subsequent assessment is only possible at the next course session. This is communicated to students via the course syllabus and at the course introduction.
The working committee of the Joint Faculties of Humanities and Theology’s Faculty Board has decided to request an exemption from one point in the List of Rights. The decision to request exemptions has been made in consultation with representatives from the Student Union for Humanities and Theology (HTS).
The University has decided to grant the Joint Faculties of Humanities and Theology an exemption from point 6.2 in the List of Rights – Lund University Students’ Rights and Responsibilities as specified below.
The decision was made on 2 September 2024.
List of Rights 6.2: The University is responsible for ensuring that at least one supervisor for the academic paper is employed on the teaching staff or as a researcher at Lund University. If an academic paper’s topic requires it, external supervisors may be appointed, as long as the University can ensure that they have expertise in the academic paper’s topic and documented teaching expertise. The student should discuss their choice of topic in consultation with the course director or equivalent to ensure that adequate resources are available.
The faculty requests an exemption from this point based on the following:
Within the Joint Faculties of Humanities and Theology, the supervision of degree projects forms an important part of the teaching qualifications for doctoral students and should therefore be included in the group that can be appointed as a degree project supervisor. To ensure appropriate teaching expertise, doctoral students must have completed at least two weeks of training in teaching and learning in higher education. The department’s director of studies is responsible for appointing supervisors who demonstrate appropriate expertise.
The Faculty Board of Law’s Educational Committee has decided to request an exemption from three points in the List of Rights. The decision to request exemptions has been made in consultation with representatives from the Law Students’ Union (JF).
The University has decided to grant the Faculty of Law an exemption from points 2.4, 3.6 and 3.9 in the List of Rights – Lund University Students’ Rights and Responsibilities as specified below.
The decision was made on 19 August 2024.
List of Rights 2.4: When an examiner has made a decision on a student’s examination results or grade, the department has an obligation to promptly notify the student of the results, no later than 15 working days after the exam.
It should take a maximum of five working days from when the student has been notified of the grade until the grade has been registered in the Ladok study documentation system. The student is to be notified of the results no later than ten working days before a re-sit.
For exam sessions with more than 200 participants, the student is to be notified of the results no later than 22 working days after the exam. For exam sessions with more than 700 participants, the student is to be notified of the results no later than 30 working days after the exam. However, the student is to be notified of the results no later than ten working days before a re-sit.
The faculty requests an exemption from point 2.4 based on the following:
The established practice at the Faculty of Law is to notify students of the results no later than 15 working days after the exam and register them in Ladok a few days later. For certain subjects, there are few teaching staff members who hold a doctoral degree and many students taking the test, which makes it difficult to meet the requirement within the limits set out in point 2.4. Therefore, the faculty requests an exemption based on the following:
- For exams with more than 100 participants, and if there are valid reasons, the results are to be communicated to students no later than 20 days after the exam. Information about when the results will be communicated at the latest is to be clearly specified at the time of the exam.
List of Rights 3.6: The University is responsible for ensuring that information on required reading and other study resources is available eight weeks before the start of the course.
The faculty requests an exemption from point 3.6 based on the following:
A large proportion of the study resources and required reading at the Faculty of Law includes legislation and case-law, which are continuously amended. For this reason, it is important to use the most up-to-date reading list, which means that information on the required reading and other study resources cannot always be available eight weeks before the start of the course. Therefore, the faculty requests an exemption based on the following:
- If special circumstances apply, and it can be guaranteed that accessibility-adapted required reading is available at the start of the course, the reading list may be amended four weeks before the start of the course.
List of Rights 3.9: The University is responsible for ensuring that teaching is not timetabled on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays in the Swedish calendar, or after 17:00, unless the course was advertised during the application period as a distance learning, afternoon or evening course.
Teaching may be timetabled on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays in the Swedish calendar, or after 17:00, if it is necessary for the completion of the teaching component, for example if the teaching is conducted at places or involves activities that are only accessible on public holidays or after 17:00, such as museum visits, excursions, concert activities or placements and practice-integrated learning.
The faculty requests an exemption from point 3.9 based on the following:
Owing to problems related to accommodating all the teaching in accessible premises without having to book external venues, the Faculty of Law needs to be able to timetable teaching after 17:00 at times. Therefore, the faculty requests an exemption based on the following:
- If there are valid reasons, and where teaching is not compulsory, teaching may be timetabled after 17:00.
The Study Programmes Board of the Faculty of Medicine has decided to request an exemption from one point in the List of Rights. The decision to request exemptions has been made in consultation with representatives from the Corpus Medicum student union.
The University has decided to grant the Faculty of Medicine an exemption from point 3.9 in the List of Rights – Lund University Students’ Rights and Responsibilities, as specified below, until the spring semester 2025.
The decision was made on 19 August 2024.
List of Rights 3.9: The University is responsible for ensuring that teaching is not timetabled on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays in the Swedish calendar, or after 17:00, unless the course was advertised during the application period as a distance learning, afternoon or evening course.
Teaching may be timetabled on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays in the Swedish calendar, or after 17:00, if it is necessary for the completion of the teaching component, for example if the teaching is conducted at places or involves activities that are only accessible on public holidays or after 17:00, such as museum visits, excursions, concert activities or placements and practice-integrated learning.
The faculty requests an exemption from this point based on the following:
Since spring 2023, the Faculty of Medicine has conducted all its training programmes at Forum Medicum. As all the training programmes have recently been relocated to newly built premises, the faculty occasionally needs to timetable teaching until 18:00. In the long term, the faculty wishes to ensure that it is possible to avoid scheduling teaching after 17:00.
The Board of the Faculty of Science has decided to request an exemption from one point in the List of Rights. The decision to request an exemption has been approved by the Lund Science Student Union (LUNA).
The University has decided to grant the Faculty of Science an exemption from point 5.1 in the List of Rights – Lund University Students’ Rights and Responsibilities as specified below.
The decision was made on 19 August 2024.
List of Rights 5.1: The department is responsible for ensuring that for each course/module, the following are organised in addition to the regular assessed components:
- re-sit five to seven weeks after the regular exam and
- one further exam session for courses completed in the past academic year (catch-up exam). However, for certain forms of examination, such as placements, the number of exam sessions may be limited to two.
In accordance with Section 3.11, exams and compulsory components are not to be timetabled later than one week after the end of the spring semester or earlier than three weeks before the start of the autumn semester. To avoid a re-sit being held in the middle of the summer, it can be timetabled later than seven weeks after the regular exam session when the regular exam is at the end of the spring semester. To avoid a re-sit being held during the Christmas and New Year period, it can be timetabled later than seven weeks after the regular exam session when the regular exam is in November. A re-sit is to be timetabled at the earliest ten working days after the student has been notified of the results of the regular exam.
The faculty requests an exemption from this point based on the following:
Several subjects at the Faculty of Science are taught jointly with the Faculty of Engineering (LTH). An exemption from point 5.1 needs to be granted so that joint courses can be assessed in line with the organisation of LTH’s academic year. The faculty also requests an exemption from point 5.1 for the Medical Physics programme. The Medical Physics programme has a fixed course of study with a very high proportion of scheduled teaching sessions. Re-sits scheduled within five to seven weeks after the regular exam would clash with teaching in a subsequent course. For courses spanning a whole year, the Faculty of Science organises a dedicated re-sit period in January, when no other teaching sessions are timetabled.
The deputy dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences has decided to request an exemption from one point in the List of Rights. The decision on the request has been made after consultation with the Social Sciences Student Union and the Education Council of the Faculty of Social Sciences.
The University has decided to grant the Faculty of Social Sciences an exemption from point 2.4 in the List of Rights – Lund University Students’ Rights and Responsibilities as specified below.
The decision was made on 3 February 2025.
List of Rights 2.4: When an examiner has made a decision on a student’s examination results or grade, the department has an obligation to promptly notify the student of the results, no later than 15 working days after the exam.
It should take a maximum of five working days from when the student has been notified of the grade until the grade has been registered in the Ladok study documentation system. The student is to be notified of the results no later than ten working days before a re-sit.
For exam sessions with more than 200 participants, the student is to be notified of the results no later than 22 working days after the exam. For exam sessions with more than 700 participants, the student is to be notified of the results no later than 30 working days after the exam. However, the student is to be notified of the results no later than ten working days before a re-sit.
The faculty requests an exemption from this point based on the following:
The established practice at the Faculty of Social Sciences is to communicate the results to students no later than 15 working days after the exam. However, the Faculty has courses with many students where it is sometimes difficult to fulfil the requirement of communicating a result within 15 working days of the exam. This includes courses with more than 100 participants. Therefore, the Faculty requests an exemption based on the following:
- For exams with more than 100 participants and in the event of special reasons, the results are to be communicated to students no later than 20 working days after the exam. Information about when the results will be communicated at the latest is to be clearly specified at the time of the exam.
The Faculty Board of the School of Economics and Management (LUSEM) has decided to request an exemption from three points in the List of Rights. The decision to request exemptions has been made in consultation with representatives from the School of Economics and Management Student Union.
The University has decided to grant the School of Economics and Management an exemption from points 3.6, 3.9 and 5.1 in the List of Rights – Lund University Students’ Rights and Responsibilities as specified below.
The decision was made on 2 September 2024.
List of Rights 3.6: The University is responsible for ensuring that information on required reading and other study resources is available eight weeks before the start of the course.
The faculty requests an exemption from point 3.6 based on the following:
Certain courses and programmes at LUSEM use legislation and case-law as required reading and study resources. As legislation and case-law are continuously amended, there is a requirement for being able to use the most up-to-date required reading. This means that information on required reading and other study resources cannot always be available eight weeks before the start of the course. Therefore, the faculty requests an exemption based on the following:
- If special circumstances apply, and it can be guaranteed that accessibility-adapted required reading is available at the start of the course, the reading list may be amended four weeks before the start of the course.
List of Rights 3.9: The University is responsible for ensuring that teaching is not timetabled on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays in the Swedish calendar, or after 17:00, unless the course was advertised during the application period as a distance learning, afternoon or evening course.
Teaching may be timetabled on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays in the Swedish calendar, or after 17:00, if it is necessary for the completion of the teaching component, for example if the teaching is conducted at places or involves activities that are only accessible on public holidays or after 17:00, such as museum visits, excursions, concert activities or placements and practice-integrated learning.
The faculty requests an exemption from point 3.9 based on the following:
Owing to problems related to accommodating all the teaching in accessible premises without having to book external venues, LUSEM needs to be able to timetable teaching after 17:00 at times. Therefore, the faculty requests an exemption based on the following:
- If special circumstances apply, and it can be guaranteed that special consideration is given to students who need to be able to combine their studies with family life, teaching may be timetabled until 18:00 on weekdays.
List of Rights 5.1: The department is responsible for ensuring that for each course/module, the following are organised in addition to the regular assessed components:
- re-sit five to seven weeks after the regular exam and
- one further exam session for courses completed in the past academic year (catch-up exam). However, for certain forms of examination, such as placements, the number of exam sessions may be limited to two.
In accordance with Section 3.11, exams and compulsory components are not to be timetabled later than one week after the end of the spring semester or earlier than three weeks before the start of the autumn semester. To avoid a re-sit being held in the middle of the summer, it can be timetabled later than seven weeks after the regular exam session when the regular exam is at the end of the spring semester. To avoid a re-sit being held during the Christmas and New Year period, it can be timetabled later than seven weeks after the regular exam session when the regular exam is in November. A re-sit is to be timetabled at the earliest ten working days after the student has been notified of the results of the regular exam.
The faculty requests an exemption from point 5.1 based on the following:
Certain courses at LUSEM offer four start dates during the academic year. Thus, four regular exam sessions are held during the academic year for these courses, in addition to a catch-up session in August. The regular exam sessions are held approximately every ten weeks. Additional exam sessions for re-sits would entail more costs and less teaching time. Therefore, the faculty requests an exemption based on the following:
- For courses with four start dates during the academic year, re-sits may be held approximately every ten weeks, provided that four regular exam sessions are held during the academic year, along with a catch-up session in August.
If you believe the List of Rights is not being followed
In cases where you feel the guidelines in the List of Rights are not being followed, you can make a complaint. In the first instance, contact the person concerned, the lecturer in charge for example, and thereafter the director of studies, head of department or equivalent. The staff member you contacted will, in consultation with you, try to find a solution to the situation.
You can read more about how to make a complaint on the page:
Contact information
Lund University Student Unions
lus [at] lus [dot] lu [dot] se
Lund University student unions’ website
Lund University Student Ombudsman
Mobile: +46 70-456 66 13
studentombud [at] lus [dot] lu [dot] se
Student Ombudsman’s website
The University’s contact person for the List of Rights
Oskar Cornelius
oskar [dot] cornelius [at] stu [dot] lu [dot] se
International Desk
International Desk