Study Abroad programmes
Study Abroad Swedish Course Package
Who is this course package for?
The Study Abroad Swedish Language Course Package is designed for those who are interested in developing a profound knowledge of the Swedish language and who are seeking a unique Scandinavian 'study abroad' experience by coming to live in Sweden and study at Lund University for two semesters.
The package is ideal for students who have a special interest in Scandinavia, a Swedish family connection, or who would like to continue on and apply for courses and programmes taught in Swedish in the future.
Study Abroad Swedish Language Course Package descriptions
For more information about the package, admission requirements and the application process, please visit the link below:
Two-semester course package – Swedish as a foreign language – levels 1–8
Note that students who complete the final test for level 8 (giving eligibility in Swedish corresponding to the TISUS test or Svenska 3) will meet Swedish language proficiency requirements for Swedish-taught studies at universities in Sweden.
When to apply
There are two application periods each year for the Study Abroad Swedish Language Course Package:
- Autumn semester (September): apply from mid-October to 15 January
- Spring semester (January): apply from early June to 15 August
The course package is not offered in the summer.
In order to apply, you need to follow the course description link above and click the "Apply now" button when the application period is open.
Tailor-made Study Abroad packages for universities and organisations
Universities, national scholarship programmes or other organisations are welcome to contact Lund University to discuss specialised study abroad packages for your students to study specific subject areas and/or Scandinavian special interest topics.
Study Abroad packages can range from short courses during a semester, a summer programme or up to two semesters of full-time studies. Universities and organisations can contact us by sending an email to studentreception [at] lu [dot] se.
Note! Individual students cannot request a tailor-made study abroad package. Please instead refer to the Study Abroad Swedish Language course package above, or contact your home university to see if there is an exchange agreement or other type of study abroad cooperation in place with Lund University.