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Processing of personal data in the form of images and videos

Here you will find information on how Lund University handles your personal data in the form of images and videos, and who you can contact if you have any questions or complaints about being photographed or filmed on behalf of the University.

The content on this page is aimed at people outside Lund University. 
If you are a staff member, you can find the relevant information here:

For staff: Processing of personal data in the form of images and videos

Images and videos produced on behalf of the University are made available to staff for use in materials describing our activities. In rare cases, the images and videos may also be published by partners when they want to illustrate collaboration with Lund University.

We use a variety of channels to publicise our activities. Images and videos may be used in

  • printed products, such as brochures, catalogues, magazines, posters
  • digital channels, such as University websites and social media channels.

The recipients of the information could be, for example

  • the general public
  • students at Lund University 
  • prospective students.

Lund University processes your personal data in accordance with applicable legislation. Read more about what this entails below.

Personal data are processed in accordance with the legal basis of a task carried out in the public interest, Article 6(1)(e) of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Please note that materials containing images and videos are deemed to be public records at Lund University. This means that they can be requested by anyone, including the media.

In the course of its activities, the University may transfer personal data to third countries, i.e. to countries outside the EU/EEA. In such circumstances, we will take all reasonable legal, organisational and technical measures necessary to achieve an adequate level of protection for these personal data.

Images and videos are made available in Lund University’s image and media bank for varying durations based on estimated age. For persons up to 18 years of age, images and videos are made available for a maximum of 3 years. For persons from 18 years of age, images and videos are made available for a maximum of 7 years.

If you want to know how your personal data are used or if you believe that Lund University has used your personal data in a way that goes beyond the scope of the agreement or existing legislation, please contact Lund University’s data protection officer at dataskyddsombud [at] lu [dot] se.

If you want Lund University to stop using your personal data in the form of images and videos, please contact grafiskprofil [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se and let us know. We will then cease to make images and videos in which you appear available in the University’s image and media bank. We will also remove images and videos of you from existing material wherever possible.

If you have a complaint about Lund University’s handling of your personal data, you can always contact the Swedish Authority for Privacy Protection, IMY:

The IMY website

Contact information

Personal Data Controller

Lund University, 202100-3211

Postal address
Lund University
Box 117, SE-221 00 Lund

+46 (0)46 222 00 00 (switchboard)

If you have questions about how the University processes your personal data, please contact the staff representative or person responsible for the project or course.

You can also contact our data protection officer.

Data Protection Officer

Postal address
Lund University
Box 117, SE-221 00 Lund

+46 (0)46 222 00 00 (switchboard)

dataskyddsombud [at] lu [dot] se (dataskyddsombud[at]lu[dot]se)