Different ways to support us
When you choose to support research and education at Lund University, you become part of our shared quest for knowledge and our desire to learn, understand and create positive impact for humanity and our planet.
All donations to Lund University help us in our efforts to understand, explain and improve our world and the human condition. Donations can take different forms, the most common being:
- money
- dividends
- securities
- real estate
The last three forms qualify you for tax deductions. Read more about this and other ways to support Lund University below.
This is the easiest and fastest way to contribute to research that is close to your heart. You can donate in the name of a loved one as a gift, or show your employees that your company supports important, world-leading research.
Transfers can be made using our bank giro account 830-6599 or you can Swish your gift to 1231322361. Provide your name and contact details, and preferably include your email address.
Give a brief indication in the message field of what you are supporting, for example 'scholarships' or 'lung cancer'.
If you are unsure what to choose, you are welcome to contact us at the Development Office. If you do not specify a specific purpose, the money will be allocated to the University's priority area at the time of the donation.
Anyone who donates at least SEK 5,000 will receive a beautiful certificate to hang on their wall. Contact the Development Office to tell us whose name should be written on the certificate and to whom it should be sent.
Setting up a foundation or a fund is a great way to generate long-term returns and guarantee funding over time. Foundations and funds can take many forms and the University is happy to help with their management in the way and to the extent that you prefer. Together, we will find the best solution, based on your wishes.
Do you want to know more? You are welcome to contact us:
Dividends can be tax exempt if they are donated to research and education.
By donating tax-exempt dividends, you increase the value of your gift. You can donate dividends from listed companies or as the owner of a close company. Read more below:
Donating from a close company
A close company means that four or fewer people own more than 50 per cent of the company. If you wish to donate dividends from a close company, we list some things to consider below.
Before the annual general meeting
The Board of Directors draws up a share certificate with dividend vouchers.
After the annual general meeting but before payment
Anyone wishing to donate their dividends must transfer the dividend voucher to Lund University by means of a written deed of gift. The transfer is recorded in the minutes of the annual general meeting to ensure that all partners are informed about the donation.
Contact your accountant
Given the rules and formalities surrounding the drafting of share certificates and approving dividends, we recommend that you, as the donor, ensure that the procedure is carried out correctly by consulting a lawyer or your accountant.
Donating from a listed company
Contact your bank or asset manager
If you hold your shares with a bank or other asset manager, you must make Lund University the recipient – known as the rights holder – of your dividend.
The gift must be registered at least one week before a decision is made at the annual general meeting regarding the next dividend. The dividend must therefore be donated before it is deposited in your account for the gift to be tax exempt.
Drawing up a deed of gift
Whether you have a securities account or a custody account, you must draw up a deed of gift as proof that the transaction is going to take place. Contact us for a template and help with the wording. Submit the deed of gift to your bank or asset manager, and send a copy to Lund University, Development Office, Box 117, 221 00 Lund.
If you have shares in a securities account
Contact us for the form to fill in. Submit the completed form to your bank.
If you want to donate part of your dividend, you can open a new securities account and place the shares whose dividend you want to donate there.
If you have shares in a custody account
The procedures for handling shares in a custody account differ between banks and stockbrokers. Therefore, you should contact your bank or stockbroker to find out what applies in your case.
Confirmation from the bank
Once your donation has been registered with your bank, both you and Lund University will receive a confirmation. Save this confirmation for your tax return. Lund University will, of course, thank you officially and update you with what we have been able to achieve due to your generosity.
Donations apply until further notice
Your donation is ongoing and only ends if you sell the shares whose dividends you have donated or notify your bank that you want to terminate the gift.
If you have a securities account, you can use the form “Notification by the rights holder of a securities account” by ticking 'Deregister'.
If you have a custody account, contact your bank.
No deductions in your tax return
The bank will send a statement to you and the Swedish Tax Agency showing who received the dividend.
If the Swedish Tax Agency has not received any information from the bank, simply submit your statement as an attachment to your tax return and make a note in the 'Other information' section that you have donated your dividend.
You do not need to make any deductions as everything is settled via the bank’s end-of-year statement.
If you want to know more
You are welcome to get in touch:
As Lund University and its affiliated foundations do not pay capital gains tax on the sale of assets, a donation in the form of securities or real estate may increase the value of your gift.
Do you want to know more? You are welcome to get in touch:
By naming Lund University as a beneficiary in your will, you can support education, research or other activities you think are important.
Contact us to discuss your wishes and how your donation can best be used.
Lund University Foundation (LUF) is an independent, non-profit organisation working in partnership with Lund University. Its purpose is to strengthen the University's ties with the USA and our US alumni, as well as to facilitate donations to Lund University from the United States.
The Lund University Foundation website
Do you want to know more? You are welcome to get in touch:
Pia Siljeklint, Head of the Development Office
Telephone: +46 (0)46 222 34 39
pia [dot] siljeklint [at] fsi [dot] lu [dot] se (pia[dot]siljeklint[at]fsi[dot]lu[dot]se)
Contact information
Pia Siljeklint
Head of Office
Development Office
Telephone: +46 (0)46 222 34 39
pia [dot] siljeklint [at] fsi [dot] lu [dot] se (pia[dot]siljeklint[at]fsi[dot]lu[dot]se)