Travel scholarships
For current students who need to travel in connection with their studies
Travel scholarships for Bachelor's and Master's students at Lund University are announced in February each year. You can apply for a travel scholarship for a trip in connection with your studies at Lund University. Examples are trips to collect material for a degree project or essay, study abroad, and similar.
Current scholarships and when to apply
The next application period is 14 February - 3 March 2025. You will then be able to apply for scholarships for travel that started no earlier than 1 March 2024, and for planned travel up until 28 February 2026.
Please note that it is only possible to apply for a scholarship during the application period.
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How to apply for a travel scholarship
The application
You apply through a form in the application system, where you also upload any supporting documents you want to submit. You should only make one application per trip, as your application will be matched with the scholarships you are eligible for.
In your application, you need to fill in the estimated costs for your trip. As a rule, amounts of up to SEK 5 000 are awarded per scholarship. Exceptions include the 'Reg läk dr Hartelius' stipendiestiftelse' and 'Nils Flensburgs resestipendiefond' funds, where larger amounts may be awarded.
Supporting documents
You need to submit supporting documents confirming the purpose of your trip. Submit any documents relevant to the type of trip you are planning to make. If your application is incomplete, you may miss out on a scholarship.
Examples of relevant supporting documents:
- For exchange studies, this can be your Nomination Letter, Letter of Acceptance or a Transcript of Records from your host university, if you have already been abroad. You can find the Nomination Letter in SoleMove, under the tab 'Enclosures'.
- For a trip in connection with an essay, you can submit a certificate issued by your supervisor, an invitation letter, or similar.
- For a trip in connection with a degree project, relevant supporting documents can be a Cooperation Agreement, a degree project application form, a project plan signed by your supervisor, an invitation letter, or similar.
Only credits from Lund University are taken into account. As your Lund University credits are registered in Ladok, to which we have access, you do not need to submit academic transcripts. Please check with your department that all of your credits have been entered into Ladok.
Make sure that the personal identity number you indicate in the application system matches that in Ladok.
Log in to Ladok to view your personal details
Decisions and payment
The decision to award a travel scholarship is based on the purpose of your trip. Applicants are ranked according to their
- grades from Lund University
- pace of study and
- supporting documents
Decisions are usually made in April and all scholarship recipients are notified by email.
To receive your scholarship, you must first upload evidence of your travel to the application system. This could be a copy of an admission letter, an invitation letter, grades from the host university, travel documents, etc. Nomination letters alone are not sufficient. Once the certificate has been approved, you can request payment by submitting a requisition, which you will find in the application system along with your approved application.
During the summer months it may take a few weeks to receive your grant.
Log in to the scholarship application system
Previously warded travel scholarships
In spring 2024, there were 603 applications and 63 scholarships were awarded. In total, SEK 454 700 was distributed.
Contact information
Scholarships for current students
stipendier [at] eken [dot] lu [dot] se (stipendier[at]eken[dot]lu[dot]se)
Box 117
221 00 Lund
Emma Haverlind
Tel: +46 (0)46 222 71 44
Olof Jernryd
Tel: +46 (0)46 222 71 48