Help us improve!
Register your interest in user testing
Welcome to our registration form for user testing! We want to improve the usability and functionality of our programme, course and admissions content on As a current LU student, your recent experience makes you a real expert. That's why we want to include your invaluable perspective in our design.
In-person or remote user testing
We are currently looking for participants to help us evaluate different design solutions for content aimed at prospective students. Participants will be asked to review content and navigation, answer questions and provide feedback.
We will start testing in the spring – starting in March – in Lund, Malmö and Helsingborg, as well as digitally.
A test will take about 90 minutes. If you are selected to participate, you will be asked to register for a time, date and place that is convenient for you. In return for your help, you will receive two cinema tickets worth a total of SEK 300.
The tests are part of a large-scale project in collaboration with research and design agency AFRY Experience Studios, among others.
Register your interest
Register your interest by answering the questions below. Please note that we have a limited number of places available.
/Lund University and AFRY Experience Studios