What Daria says about the Master's in Public Health
Introducing Daria
Hi! My name is Daria and I'm the student ambassador for the Master's programme in Public Health. I am happy to answer any questions you might have about the programme, courses, student life, and life in Lund and Sweden via the Unibuddy Platform, where you can chat with me (see below). Please note that I cannot answer questions about the application process, scholarships, or residence permits.
Why did you choose Lund University?
"I chose Lund University after speaking with some alumni and current students in the programme. The alumni I talked to mentioned that the Master’s programme was a game changer in their professional development, and current students described the study as demanding yet still offering a healthy life-work balance. I was also attracted by the possibility of internships and work opportunities in Copenhagen, which is just a train ride away from the Faculty of Medicine in Malmö."
What are your first impressions of your programme? Does it meet your expectations?
"I wasn’t expecting to attend as many classes as we do in this programme. We are expected to attend around 4 to 5 lectures or seminars a week, which is, of course, very time-consuming. That said, the education so far has been great. You learn as much from the teachers as from your fellow students, who all come from different academic and cultural backgrounds."
What have been the highlights of your first months in Lund?
"I have enjoyed getting back to studying with a group of motivated students whom I see almost every day. While we are, of course, following the courses and studying, there are also a lot of social activities after school within our class. I am happy to have found a community of like-minded people so quickly after moving into a new country."
What do you think of the teaching style in Sweden?
"I have studied in the Netherlands and Australia, and the Swedish teaching style is very similar to the Dutch one. Seminars, and sometimes even lectures, are often moderated or carried out by students, so we primarily discuss what we find engaging in readings, with little to no interference from teachers. There is also a fair share of peer-based learning."
How international is your programme?
"I would say it’s very international, much more than I had anticipated. In my class there are about 40 students, and we represent over 20 countries. This brings insights into very different cultural contexts, but also academic ones. I have a Bachelor's in History, for example, but some of my peers have degrees in health sciences, social work, economics and management, or even cultural heritage studies. The programme is so diverse that we learn so much from each other every day."
What are you most looking forward to in your programme?
"I am getting to explore a lot within the field of Public Health, which is great and really exciting. I am looking forward to writing the thesis to dive deeply into some of the topics I have, and will, discover along the way."
Stay tuned! A more comprehensive testimonial from this student will be published once they have completed their first semester at Lund and have more insights to share about their programme.
Have more questions for Daria?
You can chat with her and other current students directly via Unibuddy by clicking the card below.

"Research-intensive courses with experts from the field"
Prince from Ghana

"Hands-on public health research and projects"
Dereje from Ethiopia

"The freedom to choose electives or do an internship"
Nina from the USA

"Lund University offers a unique international student experience"
Andrea from South Africa

"High-quality education and chances to engage socially"
Lisa from Germany

"Excellent professors and helpful course leaders"
Margret from Liberia