Nuclear medicine, Malmö
Visiting address: Carl-Bertil Laurells gata 9, målpunkt D, 20502 Malmö
Postal address: Carl-Bertil Laurells gata 9, 20502 Malmö
Nuclear medicine is a well-established and increasingly used modality in modern healthcare that generates images for the diagnosis and follow-up of disease. The focus of our research is to optimize nuclear medicine and the research projects covers areas from technical and clinical validation of novel digital positron emission tomography (PET) to automatic quantification of images for prognostication and evaluation of treatment response in cardiology and oncology. We hope that our research will increase sensitivity and specificity for diagnosing different diseases as well as improve patient outcome. We also hope that our development and evaluation of automatic quantitative measurements from images can be used as predictive and prognostic imaging biomarkers in patients with cardiac disease and cancer. The work is a multidisciplinary collaboration between researchers from the fields of mathematics, physics, radiology, nuclear medicine, oncology, urology and cardiology.