Dammprojektet Sanxia : en studie av ett av Kinas mest kontroversiella byggprojekt
Summary, in English
This essay describes the effects that have come from the construction of the Sanxia Dam, Yichang, Hubei province. I begin with a brief description of how the dam project started and ended, in order to give the reader the basic knowledge that is needed for a better understanding while reading the rest of the text. Focus lies on the project's impact on the environment, such as the pollution of the river Yangzi. In order to better understand its consequences, I conduct a thorough study of how the construction of this dam affects the lives of people and animals in the area. The threat against the ecological and biological diversity
that exists in the area has been given extra attention, as this has led to serious implications for the environment. Source material selected is primarily dated from the beginning of the project until present, in other words from late 1990s to early 2010s.
that exists in the area has been given extra attention, as this has led to serious implications for the environment. Source material selected is primarily dated from the beginning of the project until present, in other words from late 1990s to early 2010s.
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Student publication for Bachelor's degree
- Earth and Environmental Sciences
- Michael Schoenhals